Canada’s Most Trusted Clinical Research and Trial Management Organization in 2018

MONTREAL, February 7, 2019 – Vantage BioTrials is a full-service Contract Research Organization (CRO)
based in Canada that provides Phase I-IV clinical trial management services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology & medical device companies.

Since inception, Vantage BioTrials has been providing Phase I-IV clinical trial management services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology & medical device companies, along with operational capabilities across North America, Latin America, and Europe. Vantage BioTrials’ mission is to use innovative clinical trial management strategies for the life science industry, with a focus on patient safety & advancing new therapies to market.

Even though Vantage BioTrials has the therapeutic expertise to navigate through many aspects of a clinical trial (from the most complicated rare disease or oncology indication, to the simplest), what sets the firm apart is their ability to achieve operational excellence by using Quality by Design methodologies throughout a project’s life cycle.

Viken begins by providing us with an example of the firm using the Quality by Design methodology. “Several years ago, an international sponsor approached us for the first time to assist with their medical device product in support of an FDA 510(k) submission. Knowing that VBT had no prior experience managing these specific types of trials, and after performing their due diligence, VBT was chosen among other leading CROs to manage their device trial. VBT’s ability to showcase proven operational and risk mitigation strategies was a critical element in the sponsors decision making process and lead us to successfully obtain the 510(k) clearances for their products.”

Vantage BioTrials’ success is not based on a formula, but rather centered on the following core values: trust, honesty & transparency, as Viken explains.

“Here at Vantage BioTrials, we are a family run organization and as such, these qualities are rooted in our culture, moral fiber and family principles. As a result, we continually receive repeat & word-of-mouth referrals from our clients.” Speaking of the clients, the firm’s client base includes everyone who may benefit from the specialized services the team at Vantage BioTrials provides. Going into further detail about the clients the firm serves, Viken informs us of how the team approaches potential clients.

“Regardless of size or industry in which they operate, each and every client is treated equally with respect. Our portfolio includes leading pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and generic pharma organizations. In addition to this, we serve academic institutions/hospitals, private investigators/clinics, and even other service providers. We are proud to also partner with patients and their support groups for whom we remind ourselves the reason for doing what we do on a daily basis.”

Enabling the firm to deliver their award-winning services, is the dedicated team which forms the backbone of Vantage BioTrials. When discussing the internal culture, Viken is keen to highlight the role the team plays in the overall success of the company.

“Vantage BioTrials employees play an integral role in our success. We endeavor to ensure that they have the necessary tools & training to achieve our client’s satisfaction since they are our greatest asset and represent our brand.”

Looking ahead to what the future holds, Viken signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for the firm, especially following their recent success in Acquisition Intl.’s 2018 Global Excellence where Vantage BioTrials was appropriately selected as Canada’s Most Trusted Clinical Research and Trial Management Organization 2018.

“Moving forward, we are excited to usher 2019 with lots of positive news. In Q4, 2018 we had announced that Vantage BioTrials volunteered to take part in the first of its kind Health Canada pilot inspection program for CROs providing clinical trial management services. We recently received the regulator’s inspection close-out letter and are very happy to announce that we passed.”

“In addition, Vantage BioTrials has begun exploring ways to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its systems and processes. Montreal is becoming an AI hub within North America and we are excited to offer a greater advantage to our clients’ clinical development needs by finding ways of integrating AI into our clinical trial process.”

To read the full article by AI Magazine, click here.

About us

Founded in 2007, Vantage BioTrials is a privately-held Contract Research Organization (CRO) that provides Phase I-IV clinical trial management services and implements Risk-Based Management through the use of Quality by Design (QbD) methodologies, all delivered to international pharmaceutical, biotechnology, generic pharmaceutical and medical device companies.